Friday, December 3, 2010

You know, I think I have problem communicating with other people. This has gone from bad to worse since form 1. I mean when people are bored, they chat with their friends, but me, I can't seem to know what to talk about, additionally, I find myself quite boring... I also have another problem, I always end up at places I don't like, end up with people I don't like nowadays, maybe I took the everyone from last time for granted, eventhough I used get left out. Geez.... The worst is, why am I letting this get in my head!? I've always thought that by being alone, studies will be okay, but now, I realised one thing, its not easy being all alone, there is no one, absolutely NO ONE, who could help you when you encounter some problems in your studies. Or there are also times when you need someone to motivate you to study and improve yourself, this will also be a problem, why? Because no one can help. Argh, I wish there is a way to solve this.

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