Monday, February 22, 2010

Its taking forever.......

Right now, I hope that the results will come soon. It funny that the only thing that I am looking forward to is the thing that will hurt me the most. Now I hope these few years will pass swiftly so I wouldn't have to feel the depression and finally leave. I really hate the fact that I am stuck here with nothing interesting to entertain me. When will the results come out????? I want this boredom to end sooner. I really hate this place..... Sadly, my only ticket away from this shithole is my STPM... How ridiculous, I have to take another subject I know I will hate for another 1 and a half year while other people are studying at college... I don't see Einstein having this problem. =.= I really hope this disgusting ordeal I will go through will pay off.... Come to think of it, must I really ace General Paper to get a FULL scholarship? My guess is yes, but why?????? I don't even think that I need to know anything about that in the future. If so, why can't I learn it in english?????? Heck, if everything I learn is in english, I wouldn't be going Form 6 anymore.................. In fact, I will not be as depressed as I am right now. Darn it......

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