Friday, August 27, 2010


After few months of not meeting up, except for a few of them, I met up with Chie Yang, Han Shen, Kah Kit, Hsu Hung, Long Xiang(sorta), Huey Teck(kinda, but I see him almost every week) , Yong Ken,Leon and Wei Xin today. It started with my going to Kl just to look for my further math tuition but it turns out that they don't teach it there, so I had to take the LRT back to the kelana station and go to 1u with the bus. Upon reaching there, I went up to the meeting spot(GSC) just to find out that I am the earliest, so I started walking around GSC while looking out for them. Then, Leon found me and we started chating for like around 10-20 minutes, and yes, the rest are late... Then Yong Ken showed up and Leon looked so happy when he saw him. After waiting for like I have no idea how long, Chie Yang , Hsu Hung and Kah Kit showed up. So we went up to the arcade to play Daytona. But in the end, I lost...... After that game, Huey Teck and Han Shen came, so we decided to go for our lunch at the steambot restaurant, but since the 50% discount offer will only start after 2pm, we went for something light so we can go for it later. We chose to eat at some yau chau kuai shop at the old wing and started chatting around and share experiences. We also manage to see Chie Yang's new target, luckily we are not from his college, otherwise we will ruin it for him.... After eating, we walked around aimlessly and I am not sure what were we doing.... But anyway, the group was split up with me, Ken, Chie Yang, Leon, Kah Kit and Hsu Hung roaming around doing something I can't remember while Han Shen and Huey Teck go to the arcade. All I do remember is when I saw this pretty girl in GSC, I asked Kah Kit if she is pretty, then Chie Yang said " If you want to see a girl, look at her up close." Then he told me to follow him and he walked right in front of her to take a look. That was when I realised Chie Yang changed into a braver Chie Yang after going to college, and I was told be someone that college and secondary school makes no difference. Anyway, I was flabbergasted. So while we walk around aimlessly while waiting for time to past, we chatted and I am impressed that Chie Yang made so much progress in just few months, while I... hahahahaha..... Anyway, after walking for a while, it is 2 pm, so the rest of the group went inside the restaurant while me and Chie Yang went to get Han Shen, Huey Teck left at that point. When we reached the restaurant, Long Xiang was already seating there, it turns out that he wouldn't be eating with us but he will stay for a while, Wei Xin joined us after a while(he didn't eat too..) and we ordered our food. After that, we chatted like we used to during form 4 and 5 which includes shooting, insulting , bullshitting, gossiping and teasing. After that, all of us(excluding Long Xiang, he left half way through) went to the cc much to Wei Xin's dismay. Me, Chie Yang, Kah Kit and Yong Ken was stuck at 1u while the rest left for cc because Yong Ken wanted to buy black gloves for his Hei cosplay and lost his passport photos, LOL, so we were late for 1 hour I think. We went cc after that and I got pwned at Quake and counterstrike. After the cc, we all went home.... Damn, I hope we can do this much often, my school life right now makes me miss my old school life. Oh yea, did I mention Pokemon Black and White can only be played on nintendo 3DS? How awesome is that?

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