Thursday, April 22, 2010

After complaining of being bored this whole time, I realised that wasn't really the real problem I have. The real problem lies in my heart. All this time, I was just lying to myself that I was bored. Maybe in the beginning of the year, like for the first 10 days, I was just bored. I was bored of being bored after a while and stopped being bored. In the end, my real problem was the fact that I am all alone, still stuck in the past while everyone proceeded to the future. They have new hobbies, new stuff to do, new friends, new stuff to study and everything new. At the mean time, all I was doing was to sit at home doing nothing. I am aware that some friends who even bothered to care told me to go find a job, but working isn't something I wanna do now, all I want is just to study like last time with friends and have fun and joke around. Geez, I just made myself more depressed after thinking about my future school.... Lets see, I guess I am going form 6, where it will get very lonely for me, not to mention I am still stuck with general paper. The only thing that comforts me would be form 6 being VERY challenging and I will be able to concentrate more since, well, I will be alone after all.
Man, its hard to change like everyone else, everyone seemed to be able to socialise more since they went college, or where they like that since last time just that I didn't notice. Guess no one cared anyway, I am just a nobody.

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