Saturday, January 23, 2010

More depressions......

Its January 23rd year 2010. Current achievements? None. I am currently not studying at all because of my unluckiness and uselessness..... Maybe I should just accept the fact that I am still once again tied to this place. To make matters worst, all I could ever remember now would be all my past failures and nothing else. I even blew my one and only chance to escape from this depressing life of mine. I really don't understand why everyone will be complaining about the assignments from college or migrating overseas or something like that. Aren't they aware that there are people like me who wants that to happen to us but don't even have a chance. As if being alone having nothing to do isn't depressing enough, once again, I have to meet retards again. Whats with me and meeting people who don't even deserve knowing my name!? I seem to always meet those people in my life. Nothing interesting ever happen in my life, and sometimes, just when I was motivated to do something, I will just get hit hard in the face and be disappointed again. It seems like my only companion through all this sorrow is myself, this is because only me will understand the pain. I am really fed up of this world, sometimes, I really wonder if there are other worlds out there, why am I stuck here? Anyway, who care about all of this? No one was living my life.

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