Wednesday, December 9, 2009


For the 1st time, I get to celebrate my birthday with my friends. It was awesome by the way. We went to play basketball at the community hall, after playing it, we(me, my bro and jian-yong) went and play Pokemon at a nearby table while waiting for marcus, yu beng and chia kuui. About 30 minutes later, they came back from yi han's house and we walked to 1u. We had our lunch(?) at wong kok char chan teng and ordered our food. Jian-yong did a really coolawesome thing, he ordered two plate of main course, ain't that awesome? Oh yeah, the connection at the restaurant was awesome, we can finally go into the global trade system in pokemon using the wifi system to trade pokemon with players all around the globe. But most of the requests for the pokemons used to trade for the pokemons the players offered are outrageous. Imagine, a lv9 sandslash? Is that even possible??? Anyway, we met luke there too and he gave me a present, how cool is that? We(people other than me/my bro) went to play bowling and met kar loke and chia kuui there, they bought presents as well. :) Oh yeah, while they were playing bowling, those who weren't playing bowling went and walk around and my, the walking around was awesome!!!!!!! I don't think it is necessary to tell why I think it was awesome though. We watch 2o12 after that and it was awesome. According to marcus and my bro, jian-yong was vibrating like a handphone set to silent mode due to excitement during the movie, lolz. The show was good but its not really that realistic, how can a simple family survive thaaaat long? They must be really lucky to survive till the end. After the movies, we hung out for a while and we started to leave one by one. My mom brought me to tony rhomas(thats how you spell it right?) for dinner, after that, I was forced to take an embarassing picture in a contest to see who has the cutest post to get a ticket to any show available at cineplex, I am glad I don't really look that gay compared to other contestants though. After that, I went home and started going online and..........

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